20 January, 2011

You should have done more.

The British Prime Minister, David Cameron is feeling the heat today after the mother of a severely disabled girl has taken him to task on an Internet message-board.

AFP reports:

Riven Vincent, whose daughter Celyn is blind, quadriplegic and has cerebral palsy and epilepsy, accused Cameron of reneging on a pledge he made before May's elections when he visited her family near Bristol.

She wrote Wednesday on Mumsnet, a popular Internet forum for parents, that she has asked social services to take her daughter into care because they had refused extra respite assistance, adding: "I can't cope."

In a statement on Thursday Vincent said that putting her daughter into social care was the "last thing we want for her but we just can't see any other option."

This story is obviously tragic. I don't know anything about this woman but her love for her daughter leaps off the page. I believe that she has given everything she can to support her daughter and that she is simply exhausted, mentally and physically. I can't imagine any sane mother would willingly give her daughter over to the State after giving that much blood, sweat, and tears to her for years and years. I pray that this woman can find peace in her decision and that her daughter will thrive in social care.

The truly tragic part of this story in my opinion is the disillusionment. The mother seems to believe that Cameron gave her assurances that things would be taken care of once he was elected. Whether this is true or not (and whether this was simply a campaign-trail promise or not), the fact remains that this is symptomatic of socialized medicine and socialism in general. The fatal flaw of all totalitarian power structures is that the demand always overrides the supply. This happens for a variety of reasons: greed, an indolent populace, scarcity of resources, dictatorial control. But it happens. The State simply cannot deliver on what it promises, for the length of time that it promises to deliver.

And consequently, this is why so many Conservatives are fighting Obamacare, tooth-and-nail. It's not, as MSDNC would like you to believe, that we don't want to share our health care with the poor and uninsured. It's that we know that our government will fail us. Recently the Association of American Medical Colleges estimated that the United States will likely face a shortage of nearly 150,000 doctors in the next 15 years. With Obamacare, we will be adding an estimated 32 million uninsured people into the system and losing 150,000 doctors over the next 15 years. One doesn't have to be especially proficient in mathematics to realize there is a problem with this situation.

Progressive politicians and activists want a Public Option. They've never made any bones about it. It's only thanks to the Tea Party that there wasn't one included in the bill that was passed. If they get their way and we are eventually thrust into a single-payer health care system, like Britain's, we will be in a world of hurt. Any economist or business owner will tell you that when demand outweighs supply, one of two things happen. 1) The supply is exhausted and there is no more product available for anyone or 2) the product becomes much more expensive in an effort to reduce demand. If either of these happen to our health care, how will it affect you? Will this situation be better for you and your family than today's situation?

Mussolini created the term "totalitarian". Of course when he coined the term, it was ostensibly a good thing. He described it using his famous motto: "Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State". With each step down the road to socialism which we are on, we come closer and closer to realizing Il Duce's dream here in America. As I watch the riots in Britain, Italy, and Greece I see anger and disillusionment on those faces. They have been sold a raw deal and they know it. They have surrendered freedoms and taxes with the understanding that the State would take care of them for the rest of their lives. They are now waking up to the reality that the State cannot fulfill its promises. I don't condone the chaos and damages they are causing, but I can certainly understand their frustration.

I pray that not only will we step back from this precipice of socialism by repealing Obamacare, but that we will retreat back to the foundations of this country's founding. The concept that hard work coupled with boundless opportunity under a limited government created the atmosphere where this great country could germinate and blossom. The sooner we realize that depending on government to provide our every need is foolishness, the sooner we will begin again to cultivate the proverbial American Dream in each generation's heart. As Thomas Jefferson said, and the 20th century proved, "A government large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take away everything you have."

17 January, 2011

SB 1070 lawsuit response - Prof. Lovell

Unprecedented. Excellent commentary on the U.S. Government's lawsuit against Arizona's SB 1070. Professor Lovell is a professor at Yavapai College in Prescott, Arizona.

There is nothing in SB 1070 which is racist. Nothing.